Virtual Sessions

Tuesday, March 11th, 2025
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM

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Price: FREE

Multimodal Tool
From ITE Winter 2024
Communities want streets that are walkable and safe. Typical engineering practices, such as strict adherence to auto operations, may conflict with safety and other placemaking goals. Attendees will learn about the new interactive web version of the Multimodal Tool developed by SEMCOG in partnership with MDOT to help communities prioritize safety for travelers and their contextual needs along a street.


Thursday, January 16, 2025
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM

FHWA Research Updates
John Hourdos, FHWA
From ITE International Meeting 2023
The presentation will provide updates on the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation (AMS) Research program products and plans. It will also provide background on the soon to be formed ITS AMS Community of Practice.

Roadway Data Collection with AI Technology
Mike Lodes, HNTB
From ITE Michigan Winter 2023
This presentation will cover a brief description of machine learning and deep learning, a pilot in deep learning intersection classification, and other real-world applications of AI in transportation.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024
11:30am CST/12:30pm EST

ROW PDF to GIS Conversion
Matt Fitch, MDOT
From ITE Spring 2024
A history of MDOT ROW maps – obstacles and methods for moving towards a GIS.

Smart Work Zone
Matt Junak, HNTB
From ACEC Feb 2024
This presentation will showcase the use of Connected Vehicle and ITS technologies to provide increased safety for both workers and vehicle traffic by reducing crashes in and near work zones site for drivers.  Recent efforts will be highlighted – a pilot project with General Motors to integrate real-time work zone data into vehicles, and two commercial motor vehicle focused projects to provide enhanced awareness of conditions and worker presence in long term and moving work zones.

Tuesday December 12th, 2023
11:30am CST/12:30pm EST

Cyber Security
Dr. Darrin Hanna, Oakland University & Emily Crose (ITE GL District Meeting 2023)

SMART Columbus
Jeff Kupko, Michael Baker International (ITE GL District Meeting 2021)

How Many PDO Crashes are Too Much at Multilane Roundabouts? Causes and Cures
Mark T Johnson, MTJ Roundabout Engineering (ITE GL District Meeting 2023)

Thursday January 18th, 2024
11:30am CST/12:30pm EST

Lyndale Avenue High Volume 4 to 3 Lane Pilot Test
Joe Devore, KLJ (ITE GL District Meeting 2023)

Using Real-Time Rail Crossing Information to Improve Travel Time Reliability to Chicago’s Midway Airport – Tyler Krage, City of Chicago (ITE GL District Meeting 2023)

Wednesday, February 21st, 2024
Moderated by Steve Stramsak, RS Engineering

Safe Systems Approach
Dave Petrucci, FHWA
From ITE International Meeting 2023

ABC of Detroit’s Network Tied Arch using SPMTs
Matt Longfield (HDR), John Belcher (MDOT), Eric Polvi (HNTB)
From ITE Michigan Spring 2023

The presentation will provide an overview of the signature network tied arch Second Avenue Bridge over I-94 and will cover the design and innovative construction methods that included building the bridge off-site and moving it into place using Self-Propelled Modular Transporters (SPMTs). MDOT, along with key stakeholders including City of Detroit and Wayne State University, desired a signature bridge as the centerpiece of the I-94 Modernization Project to act as a Community Connector – essentially a park-like structure that would promote the safe transportation of walking students or those using bicycles.

The future widening of I-94 requires a much longer bridge than would fit in the existing freeway corridor. Traffic volumes on I-94 approach 175,000 vpd while limited vertical clearance allowed no safe and suitable means of building the new bridge in place. The team was driven to develop a unique approach to constructing a durable signature bridge that could achieve these objectives efficiently and safely. Moving the bridge skeleton into position during a short freeway closure was the only feasible way to accomplish this. Assembly of the steel-concrete hybrid bridge skeleton was performed in a staging area approximately 500 feet from the final bridge location.

The 5,000,000 pound bridge skeleton was lifted using specialized SPMTs, transported to the final location and rolled across the freeway in July 2022. The presentation will provide a detailed step-by-step overview of the preparations prior to and operations of this innovative and unique bridge move, and the teamwork required to make it a success.